Wednesday, April 29, 2020

5 Features to Look for in Folding Bikes- Buyer's Guide

Are you looking to buy one of those popular folding bikes but don’t know how to choose the right one? We’ll help you out with this! When you choose folding bikes, there are typically five features that you should look for to see which one suits you the most. Here are the five criteria that you need to look for in folding bikes:

Frame Size –

The first thing that you need to check is the frame size of the bike. One thing to take note of is that these bikes pretty much come in a single size. It is quite low, somewhat like children bikes, but it is adjustable so that taller people can use them as well. With regard to the frame size, there’s not much to check. However, you do have to see how much the seat and the handlebars can be adjusted to fit your height.


Wheel Size –

Another thing to think about would be the size of the bike wheel. This is important because it will affect your overall ride. Smaller wheels are easier to steer, but bigger wheels are smoother. The size of the wheels will also influence the size of the bike when it is folded. If you want something that is extremely compact like kids bikes, smaller wheels are good. However, if you want a mountain bike, then you might want to get one with bigger wheels.

Suspension –

Suspension refers to mechanisms that add more weight to the bike. As I’ve said earlier, bikes with bigger wheels tend to have smoother rides as compared to those with smaller wheels. However, the suspension mechanisms can help counter this by countering the friction of the smaller wheels. This will then add more pressure and weight. If you want to stick with a small bike, choose one with suspension mechanisms.

Folding Method –

The folding method will all depend on your own preference. There are three folding methods of bikes in the market. These are half fold, triangle fold, and break away. The half fold is very easy to dismantle but not very sturdy. Bikes with a triangle fold are sturdy and easy to fold but not easy to ride. Lastly, those with the breakaway fold are the easiest to fold as they can be folded into a very compact size. The only downside of breakaway folding bikes is that they are harder to reassemble.

Purpose –

The last criteria would be the purpose. If you are just going on short journeys and leisure rides around the city, then the smaller and flimsier bikes are fine. For long journeys and more active rides, those with bigger wheels and sturdier frames are necessary. If you want to take your bike along with you on public transportation or abroad, you’ll need one that can be packed easily. The type of bike you’ll choose will all depend on your preference, but most pros would recommend choosing the one that suits your needs and lifestyle rather than basing your selection on mere appearance.

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