Saturday, May 16, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions about Mobility Scooters

Of all the different types of mobility aids like wheelchairs and so on, mobility scooters are the most ideal for people with disabilities. An equivalent to wheelchairs, the mobility scooter is configured like motor scooters. The mobility scooter is known by many names such as electric scooter and power operated scooter/vehicle. Although mobility scooters have been around for quite some time now, many people don’t know much about it. If you are contemplating buying one of these motorized mobility aids, you must have a lot of questions that you need answers to. Take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions people have about mobility scooters:
Do you require a licence to use motorised scooters?
When using power operated mobility aids such as the mobility scooter in Australia, you don’t require a licence.
When do the transport standards apply in case of mobility scooters?
When using these mobility scooters on road, you would have to abide by the Transport Standards that have been specified by the Australian government. There may be different rules and regulations regarding these in every state. But the common transport standards apply when you are taking your mobility aid on a public transport such as ferries, trains, buses, and wheelchair accessible cabs. However, these standards don’t apply to limousines, dedicated school buses and small aircrafts.
Can you access all public transports on your mobility scooter?
Not all the public transports are created in a wheelchair-friendly way. That is why you won’t be able to use the mobility scooter on every form of public transport. However, an increasing number of public transport is being designed in a way that makes them accessible to wheelchair bound individuals. When it comes to the Transport Standards, the compliance table has made it mandatory for all public transports to be made mobility aid friendly by the end of the year 2032.
Can you remain seated on the mobility scooter when riding public transport?
When travelling in a wheelchair accessible taxi, you will have to relocate to a fixed seat for safety concerns. On b
uses, ferries and wheelchairs that are accessible to mobility scooter users, you can remain seated on the scooter itself. These vehicles have allocated space inside the cabin for individuals who use mobility aids. If you are planning to take a long journey, make sure you contact the operator and get to know whether proper facilities are there for mobility scooter riders.
Do you need to anchor your mobility scooter when riding public transport?
When riding mobility scooter on public transports, you must comply with the rules regarding anchoring and restraints. The wheelchair accessible public transports have anchoring points. Whether you use new or used mobility scooters, if you plan to take your mobility scooter on these public transports, your mobility vehicle must have these anchoring points. Before purchasing your mobility scooter, get to know about the specific rules and regulations that the local government has created regarding the use of mobility aids. To buy the most high tech and best performing mobility aid, contact Active Scooters.

1 comment:

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