Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Why electric unicycle is better than other types of transport?

Why electric unicycle is better than other types of transport?

Everyone who uses public or private vehicles in a metropolis, has probably thought about changing transport to something more compact and modern. Technological electric transport, among which the first lines of popularity are held by electric unicycle will save you from ubiquitous traffic jams and restrictions .

Unicycle is a self-balancing scooter with one single wheel and footrests on the sides. Such a simple and, at the same time, ingenious design offers many advantages over other personal electric transport and, especially, motorbike and other aggregates with an internal combustion engine:
1. Compactness. The unicycle is not as small as a gyroscooter, but remains incredibly compact and convenient not only for storage right in your apartment, but also in everyday usage. There will not be any problems quickly getting to the right subway station, stopping directly at the office, at the institute, at school,at the store, and then carrying a gadget directly to the premises or public transport. But with a scooter, bike, such maneuvers are no longer possible.
2. Large wheel diameter. Thanks to the diameter of the wheel to 16 or more inches, it becomes more maneuverable, passable, comfortable in riding . This is one of the few types of personal electric transport, capable of riding without problems on a bad road, gravel, sand. It is possible to move with the unicycle even in the winter without any alterations.
3. Speed. Electric unicycle can be considered the fastest type of personal electric transport. Many models are able to develop more than 30-35 km / h. Traveling to your destination can be incredibly fast.
4. Reliability. Statistically unicycle is considered one of the most reliable types of transport. The most popular components for unicycles are tires and chambers for wheels.
5. Great mileage. The capacity of the unicycle battery significantly outperforms competitors. With one charge gadget is able to overcome from 40 to 120 km, and considering the recharging in the office, it practically has no restrictions in the duration of the ride.
The electric unicycle requires certain skills from the rider, to learn how to balance on 1 wheel is not as easy as on two ones . However, contrary to popular belief, the presence of only one wheel does not in the least affect the safety of driving. In practice, the unicycle is stable itself, thanks to the presence of electronics, and has a smaller stopping distance than a scooter or a bicycle.
Electric unicycle nowadays is the best type of transport for the city, which is able to travel fast and far enough without traffic jams and delays, it can be stored directly at home (the weight and dimensions of the gadget allows it to be easily lifted even to high floors), operate on low-quality roads, either in the winter or in the summer. And the presence on some models such functions as high-quality audio speakers with connection to the smartphone, make the process of riding as pleasant as possible!

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