Sunday, May 10, 2020



Whether you’re a skateboarder from way back or you’ve never jumped on a board before electric skateboard are bringing people from all walks life to experience this alternative method of transport. Whatever your background, is there’s an electric skateboard out there for you! Below we’ve listed some of the reasons we think you need an electric skateboard. The first and most obvious question is: Why not? However, if that doesn’t answer the question for you check out the 5 reasons below.

      Insurance and fuel alone can add up quickly with a car. With an electric skateboard you can easily skate to anywhere you need to be, if it’s further away pairing a skateboard up with a quick train journey means you can get pretty much anywhere if Perth for less then what you pay for lunch.
    2. EASE OF USE

      Electric skateboards are both an easy introduction to skating and a new challenge for the seasoned pusher.Firstly, the electric skateboards are easy to learn on, after 40 minutes of riding around you’ll be at or around the level where the world becomes your playground. By removing the need to learn to push you get rid of the first hurdle most people come across when learning to skate. The remote offers a choice of speed modes, meanings you can go as quick or as slow as you want, and once you’ve got the confidence you can attempting more advanced skills.
      Even for someone who has skated for a while the electric skateboards offer a new way to enjoy a sport they already love. The electric boards offer a way to carve and hill bomb without the need to find and ride the steepest hill in town. Who doesn’t want to bomb down a flat road at 40kph?
      Evolve Skateboard. All-Terrain Electric Skateboard. E-Board.Evolve Skateboard. Street Electric Skateboard. E-Board.
    3. THE RIDE

      Carve, Bomb, Cruise or commute. Electric skateboards can do it all and more. If you want the experience of shooting and carving down a mountain road on a longboard, but you feel like brakes would be a welcome addition then an electric board is a good choice.If that doesn’t catch your fancy you can surf your way up and down any coastal path in any swell size. Carve and slide your way from home to your favourite cafe and back again. Experience the thrill and joy of riding wherever and whenever you want all the while getting the fix you get from a decent swell.

      Here in Perth, the electric skateboard communities have really taken off, from active pages on Facebook to regular group rides. For every skater from new to experienced, Perth’s community is so supportive, and the groups really give everyone a chance to take part and get out of the house on a dry evening. The groups also offer a good point of help for anyone new to the sport and looking for some help around where to skate or even help with some basic issues.
      Evolve Skateboard. All-Terrain Electric Skateboard. E-Board.

      With billions being poured into alternative electric transport every year now is a great time to join and help further the technology. With electric scooters and electric skateboards gaining more and more traction amongst commuters. isn’t it time you grabbed a board and joined a growing revolution. Plus you can do your bit and save the planet all while saving yourself some money!
For more information check out our Electric Skateboards info page, and our other blogs about electric skateboards. Such as Electric skateboards: Which one do you need? or Electric Skateboard Maintenance: The regular checks.
If a an e-skateboard from our store catches your eye, swing past our store right here in Perth on a dry day and give it a demo! With anything Electric you’re always best to try before you buy.

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